

Hot-dip galvanization is a galvanization method when metal items are coated with a zinc layer. Galvanization provides electrochemical protection for steel surfaces. This is the most efficient method designed for protection of steel structures from potential damage caused by corrosion or other mechanical damages.

Zinc evenly distributes over hard-to-reach areas of the product to an optimum extent within the course of the galvanization process. The zinc coating layer at the ends and the corners of the products would be the same as on the smooth surfaces of the products.

The zinc coating covering the surface of the product could be smooth and bright or grey and matte. The natural reaction of zinc and the air results in eventually diminishing brightness of the coating and ultimately the coating turns to a shade of grey characteristic to metal. However, the change in colour per se does not affect the properties of the zinc coating.

Galvanization protects metal structures from potential exposure to air and humidity in this way extending the product life up to 20 years.

Advantages of hot-dip galvanization:

  • coating durability;
  • low operating costs;
  • even zinc coating in hard-to-reach areas of the products;
  • resistance of the zinc coating to mechanical damages.